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News and inspiration

Tag shaker card

Marit Moen

Tag shaker card

A small tag card with a shaker box is both decorative to give away and fun to make. A shaker box is a shaking box. You put some items inside the box, and when you shake it, the items move and create a stir. The only limit to what you can put inside the box is your imagination. As long as the foam tape is high enough, it doesn't have to be just flat elements in it. A rule of thumb is that the elements must be lower than the tape. Otherwise, they will be too high and get stuck,...

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The International Scrapbook Day

Marit Moen

The International Scrapbook Day

Happy Birthday! Today is International Scrapbook Day. Since 1994, National Scrapbook Day has been celebrated in the United States, on the first Saturday in May. Eventually it was expanded to be called (Inter)National Scrapbook Day, as there were so many scrappers around the world who also started celebrating the day. We celebrate the day by giving away a free digital stamp! Today you get the stamp "Congratulations on the day!", so you can make your own birthday pages or birthday cards for the ones you love. Just go to the product here and add it to the shopping cart. A...

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Decorated lunch box

Marit Moen

Decorated lunch box

Decorating a metal box is a great gift idea. You can put your personal touch on it and adapt it to any special occasion. It is often also called "altered lunchbox", because "altered" means changed. And that's what we do, we change it to be the way we want it to be. This was basically a completely white metal box. I measured how big pieces of pattern paper I needed, and cut them to size. I then attached them to the metal box using my Xyron Creative Station to make sure they would sit tight. Then you run the entire...

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Back to the creative times

Marit Moen
nyheter scrapbooking

Back to the creative times

It's good to be able to put the mobile away and sit down to have a creative moment with paper and glue. I'm so glad I got back into this wonderful hobby. I love to cut and paste! For me, who has always loved taking pictures, scrapbooking is the perfect hobby. We still take lots of pictures, but the camera has been replaced with a mobile phone. Our photos are displayed on a screen, instead of in an album. Much of the fun of displaying pictures has disappeared. There is something special about being able to take out an album...

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