News and inspiration — produkter
Mind Cards er tilbake på lager
mindfullness nyheter produkter
Endelig er de populære Mind Cards-settene tilbake på lager! Mind Cards er en fin måte å bli kjent med mindfullness på. Hver eske inneholder flere kort, som hver gir deg en positiv rutine i hverdagen. Vær til stede nå og sett fokus på deg selv. Det er 4 forskjellige sett å velge mellom.
Finally there was a sketch book!
inspirasjon nyheter produkter skisser
It has taken a few years, but finally I have a finished sketchbook to share with you. Or a digital sketchbook, there is. It took some time to find a suitable format. The result has been a pdf booklet of 10 pages, which contains 30 sketches and 7 layouts for inspiration. There are 12 single and 18 double sketches, and they can be used for both scrapbooking and card making. You download the booklet onto your PC/Mac/tablet and can use it as either an e-book or print it out to browse through like any nother printed booklet. The sketches are...
We have now received Disney products!
Do you love Disney movies as much as we do? Then you must check out all the new products we have received! Collection packs, paper blocks and dies, and more products will be available later in the autumn. See all Disney products here
Hooray for May 17!
17 May 2019. Little did we know then that this would be the last normal national day in three years. This year we can finally celebrate properly again, with trains and music! This is a LO with my very first SVG file. I designed it myself, and you can now buy it in the online store here . An SVG file is a cut file, which can be loaded into Cricut and Silhouette machines, and which then cuts out the motif on the desired material and in the desired size. The motif is cut out in one piece, so that...
Easter greeting with library card
I made this Easter card by gluing elements on and under a yellow library card. The yellow Easter egg is split in half, so that the card and the Easter bunny could sit "inside" the egg, just as if you were to open an Easter egg and find these two inside. The Easter bunny is a paper piecing I made some time ago. It is cut out by hand and the parts are outlined with a thin marker. It is then glued together to form the finished motif. The clip with ribbon is nice, because it can also be used...