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News and inspiration — påske

Påske-konkurranse 🐰🐣

Marit Moen
konkurranse påske

Påske-konkurranse 🐰🐣

Bli med på årets påske-konkurranse! 😊🐰🐣 Lag et (eller flere) påske-prosjekter og last det opp i konkurranse-gruppen på denne linken senest Palmesøndag (24.03). Det kan være kort, LOer eller noe helt annet. Kanskje du vil dekorere et påskeegg? Det eneste kravet er at det er et papirprosjekt. Merk bidraget ditt med bidragsnummer. Jeg trekker ut 3 vinnere som hver får et gavekort på 200 kr til nettbutikken. Lykke til! 😊🎉🐰🐣

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Easter competition! 😊🌸🐣🐰

Marit Moen
konkurranse påske

Easter competition! 😊🌸🐣🐰

Join our first Easter competition and win a NOK 500 gift card for the online store! Make an Easter card, an Easter LO or another Easter project out of paper, and upload your contribution to the forum in this thread (link below), at the latest at 12 Palm Sunday 10.04. Enter the competition here We will draw a lucky winner on Palm Sunday afternoon. Feel free to tell the people you know, so they can also join. It costs nothing to be a member of the forum, but you must register to be able to join. If you already have...

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Easter greeting with library card

Marit Moen
kortlaging påske produkter

Easter greeting with library card

I made this Easter card by gluing elements on and under a yellow library card. The yellow Easter egg is split in half, so that the card and the Easter bunny could sit "inside" the egg, just as if you were to open an Easter egg and find these two inside. The Easter bunny is a paper piecing I made some time ago. It is cut out by hand and the parts are outlined with a thin marker. It is then glued together to form the finished motif. The clip with ribbon is nice, because it can also be used...

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