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The International Scrapbook Day

Marit Moen

Happy Birthday!

Today is International Scrapbook Day. Since 1994, National Scrapbook Day has been celebrated in the United States, on the first Saturday in May. Eventually it was expanded to be called (Inter)National Scrapbook Day, as there were so many scrappers around the world who also started celebrating the day.

We celebrate the day by giving away a free digital stamp! Today you get the stamp "Congratulations on the day!", so you can make your own birthday pages or birthday cards for the ones you love. Just go to the product here and add it to the shopping cart. A discount code is automatically added, so you just click through the checkout without having to pay for it. Also feel free to sign up for our newsletter, to receive updates about the store and activities straight to your inbox. You will receive an email with a link to the download. The automatic discount code is only valid today, Saturday 1 May.

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  • Kari Amsrud Moen on

    Så morsomt med stempel !🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴

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