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10 weeks of Christmas preparations - week 8

Marit Moen

So the Advent season has finally arrived. There are stars and advent candles in every window, and Christmas lights twinkle in the gardens all around. This is a wonderful time. "It's the most wonderful time of the year", sang Andy Williams. And indeed it is true.

Weekly tasks:

1. Writing Christmas cards
Advent has arrived, and now it's nice to sit and write Christmas cards in the evening. Remember to buy envelopes if you have made the Christmas cards yourself.

2. Hang up the advent calendar
Now there are only 3 days left until 1 December, and the advent calendar must be in place. If you have a parcel calendar, sit down tonight and put thread or ribbon on all the parcels.

3. Buy or make some Christmas presents
Now the Christmas gift list is getting smaller. Buy or make some gifts this week here, too, and you'll soon be done.

Good luck with the week's preparations!

Cocoa at Liseberg, November 2007.

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