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Scrapbooking through the years

Marit Moen
inspirasjon jul scrapbooking

Wondering how scrapbooking has changed over the years? It's a hobby with trends, like any other hobby. Popular products and techniques come and go, and the hobby is constantly evolving, but at the bottom lies the desire to take care of our memories. Although scrapbooking may not be as popular as it was 15-20 years ago, it is this hobby that is closest to my heart. I therefore want to show you that scrapbooking can be so much and that it embraces so much.

We all have our own style. We use the colors and materials we like best. Therefore, every album is different, and there is no right or wrong. Scrapbooking is exactly what you want it to be, because it is your photos, your texts and your personal touches that make your memories so special.

My first Christmas

This was the first Christmas LO I made, in January 2000. Then I used what I had - some Christmas papers I had got hold of, stickers and pattern scissors. And I wrote all the text by hand in the early years.

Christmas 2005

I made this LO in January 2006. By then scrapbooking had become popular in Norway, and there were many products to get hold of and a lot of inspiration to find, especially in the gallery we had on the forum. Here I have used gold ink on all the edges, and I really liked using that.

Cool pixie girl

This is a very simple LO, where one image has been given the focus. The old Dymo was perfect for printing little strips of text on, so if you have one lying around, take it out and use it.

Wait for Santa

I often use a lot of cardboard on my pages, but I thought this paper was so great that I wanted to use it so that it looked good. Then I chose a large picture, behind which I have taken black cardboard, so that the distinction between the paper and the picture became clear. It is also mounted on black cardboard, so that there was a bit of contrast when you look at the page.

Say hello to Santa

Christmas doesn't just have to be red and green, it can be pink, too. Here there was a nice pink color in the jacket in the picture, and I wanted to use it here.


The very last Christmas LO I made was this winter, in January 2022. 22 years after I made my first Christmas LO, I am back to a lot of cardboard and collections of decorations.

This is my style, and how it has evolved.

All this is scrapbooking. There is no such thing as right and wrong. Scrapbooking is what we want to make it, to preserve our own memories.

The girls love flipping through their albums and have done so ever since they were little. Although we no longer have to wait to get the photos back from the photographer, and can share them with others as soon as we have taken them, there is something special about having the photos in paper form and being able to show them off.

Do you think this looks funny? Print some pictures and try for yourself. I promise you that you will quickly be bitten by the bacillus!

Happy scrapping!

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